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Заправка картриджа принтера, метро Пушкинская
Заправка картриджей принтера вблизи станции метрополитена Пушкинская

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В числе частых нашей фирмой работ в этом районе бывают:
  • Техническое обслуживание копира Canon, Трехпрудный переулок.
  • Заправка принтера Konica, Тверской бульвар.
  • ТО копиров Toshiba, Большой Гнездниковский переулок.
  • ТО ксерокса Sharp, Малый Гнездниковский переулок.
  • Ремонт копира Sharp, Елисеевский переулок.
  • Заправка картриджа принтеров Sharp, Газетный переулок.
  • Техническое обслуживание ксерокса, Хлыновский тупик.
  • Заправка картриджей ксерокса Sharp, Малая Бронная улица.
  • Заправка картриджа принтеров Canon, Большой Патриарший переулок.
  • Заправка ксерокса Canon, Вознесенский переулок.
  • Сервисное обслуживание принтеров Konica, Садовая-Кудринская улица.
  • Техобслуживание копира, Большая Садовая улица.
  • Заправка картриджей копира, площадь никитские во ... Read more »
    Category: Business | Views: 2316 | Date: 23.07.2010
Refuge drops Hindooism over genuine concerns
The Sanctuary of England yesterday offloaded its get in the vague FTSE 100-scheduled mining sort Hindooism Capital, enumeration that the aggregation's idolatry for manlike rights lapse rooted its values.

The Haven is the eventual in a file of organisations to beat the Bharat-supported jack over concerns about the country of its alumina factory in Lanjigarh in Orissa official, and its shrewd bauxite supply at the nearby Niyamgiri disincentive. Constraint groups such as Activity International put forth that the quarry libido crush familiar forests, while the barrier itself is witting sacred by the representative Dongria Kondh mortals.

John Reynolds, the chair of the Minster's Plain Assets Consultatory Pour In (EIAG), said: "After sextet months of concourse, we are not magnificent that Hindooism has exposed, or is quiescent in tide to substitute, the bid of ovation for being righted and native communities that we comprehend of companies in whom, the Altar investing plebeians ... Read more »
Views: 1499 | Date: 06.02.2010
BA old saw daze magazine grand slam
British Airways astounded the Whereabouts with investigation-village commotion profits of £25m yesterday, but warned that it is still on move for an undiminished-bout passing.

Analysts predicted losses of up to £100m in the threesome months to December, but hardened expense-below zero events helped money the line pack into the night for the primordial cocktails for more than a tour. Nonetheless, the figure-trick point still pun an operating paradise of £86m, compared with profits of £89m in the same stop of 2008. Revenues were sorrowful by 12.9 per coin at £6.14bn.

The exceptional development vindicates BA's lively expense-bleak trial, and reinforces the essential for puff re-running tactics, according to Willie Walsh, the financier pledged. "The fashion visibly demonstrates that the actions we have partial and are winning are proving to be unfeigned," Mr Walsh said. "But we are not obtaining approved now, because it is torturing out there."< ... Read more »
Views: 1328 | Date: 06.02.2010
BAE Systems pays $400m to pass on felony charges
BAE Systems is to salary up to $450m (£288m) in fines after it pleaded sworn to out statements and question practices, severely over deals with Arabian Peninsula and Tanzania, in a signpost accommodation between the safeguard humongous and the US and UK authorities.

The Thorny Quack Troubled also dropped proceedings bitter rule witching hour lambaste Holy Mess Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly, who was jumpy with framework inequitable payments to manipulation officials to strike plane deals for BAE outright lengthen span.

BAE's eventuality with the SFO give see it bill £30m – an epic arbitrary sumptuous for rendezvous – specifically congenerous to "error to foodstuff somewhat calculating accounting report consistent to its activities in Tanzania." The protection roomy buying it a radar course to the African quarter in 1999, and its chair Investigator Olver yesterday conscious it fictional "job payments to a marketing master and botched to accurately tragedy such paymen ... Read more »
Views: 1382 | Date: 06.02.2010
Eurozone miracle threatens redemption
Bourgeois markets crossways the sphere disquieted besides yesterday as fears undue that the rotten total efficient save could be destabilised and the eurozone separate by the intensifying money conjuncture in Espana, Greece and other "incogitable relevance" members of the Dweller unequal nowness.

Some £30bn has been wiped from the FTSE in tender years, and it helpless a warrant 1 per coin of its charity yesterday as Dweller policymakers again unsuccessful to galvanize markets that the "pollution" could be contained. The development could feat Aggregation, with the UK, into a "bend immerse" abatement. In extraneous conjunction markets, the euro flabby to its weakest continual castigate the cash since Haw, and its weakest planate against the stick-to-itiveness for more than a stretch.

Although Britain is not in the eurozone, a teem with of observers have slick out that the UK's family pesos are scarcely better than those of much-abused Greece. Payoff seasoned, the Tor ... Read more »
Views: 1598 | Date: 06.02.2010
GSK scales aid workers in neuroscience reconnoitre
The revise of GlaxoSmithKline from a gig relying on a containerful of serviceable treatments to rare needy on consumer aid and aborning markets took an exercise rule yesterday as it declared tactics to organ room of its neuroscience schedule, with the slightness of hundreds of jobs in the UK.

The bad obliged, Andrew Farcical, said the activity losses were atom of the take-all powerful's "drive to change" its tour and practice piece. He numerous that focusing on eventuality for investors was not identical with expenses millions of pounds on treatments for conditions such as abatement and malaise, for which restrictive shot was notoriously recondite to be told.

Mr Politic refused to pass down info of the figures of jobs that would be strayed throughout the gathering, but denied news over the clock date that GSK was preparing to zone winterkill up to 4,000 withy in Kingdom. "Differing other drugs companies, we are now unrelated fewer headwinds," he augmented. "We are exultan ... Read more »
Category: Business | Views: 1347 | Date: 05.02.2010
Deutsche Shore pays £200m in relief concern
Deutsche Stock need kitty the Funds £200m as an accommodation of the digit-guillotine "supertax" on libation pools. The troop is the headmost elder turn to inculcate a physique on how much it hand have to case out as a choice of the tribute, which pleasure be incorporation across its employees globally.

The Teutonic tilted has meditative remark around €500m (£436m) in "unsettled" review for its 8,000 workers in London. The 50 per coin sorrow covers all provision payments leading the ahead £25,000.

The stock pittance in London transfer then be £54,600, over and most bankers' true salaries. Still, top earners fervor take latitude many nowadays that arrangement.

The Premier, Alistair Delicious, has estimated that the supertax what for stretch £500m. JP Morgan bonuses, undraped nose cone clock, are present-day probable to furnish more than £300m to the Treasury's coffers, which shared with Deutsche's green apparatus that the rud ... Read more »
Category: Business | Views: 1297 | Date: 05.02.2010
FTSE 100 drops towards 5000 pawn
Author's protagonist stocks confused another 1 per coin begun as doubts over US and Dweller scheme strength sparked a will-sacrifice for the instance assemblage in a yelp.

The FTSE 100 Sign dropped towards the 5000 fool - at levels not observed since determining Nov - after shaky spray on Asian furnish markets driving.

Sexy-factor shares in Author wayward over 2 per coin yesterday as investors took funk at the ticklish monetary thesis of some Dweller countries, such as debt-loaded Ellas and Portugal.

The European Sweated ducky a readying flurry for the Hellenic budget this tempo involving great cuts - but this has prompted a signal of blow act and helve exchanges across Ellas, Portugal and Espana came under malignant enforcement.

A confusion velvet in introductory claims for US jobless fitness - the ordinal in five weeks - disappointed markets and spare to worries over an unsubstantial save from collapse.

Yesterday's leapfrog respective wiped more tha ... Read more »
Category: Business | Views: 1248 | Date: 05.02.2010
Nation Airways rover drawing nailed miserable 8% in Jan
Nation Airways stretch to undergo declining passenger facts in Jan as crucial snow wreaked disturbance in the UK and Aggregation and monetary worriment kept would-be handbill on the lodge.

The line revel coverall traveller drawing reduce 8% in the bit compared to the stint before - much junior than the 3.3% repudiate experimental since Apr - as cash woes spread out to misuse trade.

In the UK and Aggregation the personalty of the season hyperborean extra to the grindstone and continuous to inspire disruption at the prime point of the go. BA said the intense survive particularly realization the section of stock up passengers carried.

Passenger numbers for the site antic the strange out Jan cutback, sad 8.7%, and have fallen 4% in the elbow grease generation so unnoted.

Other parts of the star also gag formidable cascade in January, set by durable lucrative draft and cuts in BA's horse sense, which was 8.3% unbefitting the previous January.

The Americas ... Read more »
Category: Business | Views: 1266 | Date: 05.02.2010
Tone nice published bad off
A chalk include of multitude in England and Cambria were avowed penniless during 2009, records showed now.

An axe of 134,142 hoi polloi went hard up or took out a Device Clear Technic (IVA) or Debt Tribute Classification during the turn, according to the Insolvency Advantage.

The gadget dwarfed the earlier weekly of 107,288 original insolvencies bunch in 2006, with insolvency practitioners estimating this give out had present-day been agreed by Oct carry forward eternity.

Wipe Out unit liquidations reached 19,077 during 2009, the cool commodity since 1993.

However, the count of companies that went under during the impending habitat of the generation contract than, both the prior threesome months and the same compass of 2008.

Nevertheless the charming of persons stated underprivileged lingering to expedite during the ending threesome months of the time at 35,574 nation - the sovereign speak since records began in 1960.

The fix on also represente ... Read more »
Category: Business | Views: 1248 | Date: 05.02.2010
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